Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor

Top instructors from around the world teach millions of students on EduMall.

Discover Your Potential

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Earn Money

Earn money every time a student purchases your course. Get paid monthly through PayPal or Payoneer, it’s your choice.

Inspire Students

Help people learn new skills, advance their careers, and explore their hobbies by sharing your knowledge.

Join Our Community

Take advantage of our active community of instructors to help you through your course creation process.

Students Enrolled





How to Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor

First Step

Becoming an instructor with us is not an automated process. Its an extensive exercise were we try to get the best out of the candidate for the job ahead.

We don't look for the best in business but just for the best person suited for the job. 

The Process

Apply to us from the site and give us a call afterwards we will take it forward from there or you can directly call us and we can start with the process.

Once the selection process is over then we start with the course creation followed by taking it live and starting with the classes. 

Instructor Rules

Types Courses

Courses created under the production of Tree of Skills are different from courses created solely by instructors. 

Both are categorised differently and are under different rules. 

Copyright and Work Contract

All the videos created under the production of Tree of Skills shall be considered the property of Tree of Skills. Though due credits of work done shall be given to the teacher. 

Teacher creating courses shall be given a fixed work contract wherein they can take some number of classes of students enrolled in their course.  

Start with Courses

Plan your course

You can come with unique teaching ideas for your courses. Discuss these ideas with our team and convert those into reality. 

How we help you

After your idea is approved by the team. We will allocate you funds for your work, shoot slots at our center and editor. After completing the paperwork we will put the course live.  You will be given an option of teaching students enrolled in your course. 

We're here to help

Our Instructor Support Team is here for you 24/7 to help you through your course creation needs. Use our Teaching Center, a resource center to help you through the process.This community group is always on, always there, and always helpful.

Become an Instructor Today

Join the world's largest online learning marketplace.